
- M. Li, B. Hua, W. Wu, L. C. Wang, Y. Ding, M. M. Welander, R. A. Walker, and D. Ding “Activating Nano-Bulk Interplays for Sustainable Ammonia Electrosynthesis” submitted to Materials Today April 2022.
- N. Shaikh, S. P. Bernhard, and R. A. Walker “Surface Activity and Aggregation Behavior of Polyhydroxylated Fullerenes in Aqueous Solutions” in revision with Langmuir, June, 2022.
- N. Shaikh, J. M. Andriolo, J. L. Skinner, and R. A. Walker “Carbon Nanoparticle-Induced Changes to Lipid Monolayer Structure at Water-Air Interfaces” revision submitted to J. Phys. Chem. B June, 2022.
- M. T. McNally and R. A. Walker “Nonlinear Optical Responses from Au Surfaces as a Function of Temperature and Atmospheric Composition”submitted to J. Phys. Chem. C June, 2022.
- E. D. Pomeroy W. A. Maza, D. A. Steinhurst, S. Tsoi, J. D. Kirtley, B. C. Eigenbrodt, J. C. Owrutsky, and R. A. Walker “Mechanistic Insight into Carbon Removal from Solid Oxide Fuel Cells via Operando Studies” in revision withJ. Phys. Chem. C, June, 2022.
Rachel A. Schwind, Joshua B. Sinrud, Casey C. Fuller, Michael S. Klassen, Robert A. Walker and C. Franklin Goldsmith, “Experimental study of linear burning rates of liquid nitromethane using a novel high-pressure continuous feed liquid strand burner” submitted to Proc. Comb. Inst. January, 2022.
Rachel A. Schwind, Joshua B. Sinrud, Casey C. Fuller, Michael S. Klassen, Robert A. Walker and C. Franklin Goldsmith “Comparison of flame ignition temperature of liquid nitromethane in inert and air environments” Combustion and Flame, 241 Art. No. 112101 (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112101.
G. Yiyen, K. V. Duck, and R. A. Walker, “Surfactant Adsorption to Gypsum Surfaces and the Effects on Solubility in Aqueous Solutions” Langmuir38 (9) 2804-2810 (2022).DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c02890
W. A. Maza, E. D. Pomeroy, D.A. Steinhurst, R. A. Walker, J. C. Owrutsky, "Operando optical studies of sulfur contamination in syngas operation of solid oxide fuel cells" 2021, Volume 510, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.230398
K. M Duncan, W. H. Steel, R. A. Walker "Amino acids change solute affinity for lipid bilayers" Biophysical Journal, 2021, Volume 120, Issue 17, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2021.07.021
D. B. Drasbaek, M. M. Welander, M. L. Traulsen, B. R. Sudireddy, P. Holtappels, and R. A. Walker “Operando Characterization of Metallic and bimetallic Electrocatalysts for SOFC Fuel Electrodes Operating Under Internal Methane Reforming Conditions” in revision with J. Mat. Chem. A. (invited article for issue honoring Professor John Kilner), 10 (10) 5550-5560 (2022). DOI: 10.1039/D1TA07299D
C. C. Fuller, J. B. Sinrud, R. A. Schwind, M. S. Klassen, C. F. Goldsmith, and R. A. Walker "A continuous flow liquid propellant strand burner for high pressure monopropellant and bipropellant combustion studies" AIP Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021, 92, 025106 DOI: 10.1063/5.0022780
R. A. Walker, “Faster Chemistry at Surfaces” Nature Chemistry invited News and Views, (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41557-021-00672-8
E. D. Pomeroy, W. A. Maza, D. A. Steinhurst, J. C. Owrutsky, and R. A. Walker "Electrochemical Sulfur Oxidation in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Studied by Near Infrared Thermal Imaging and Chronocoulometry." Journal of The Electrochemical Society , 2020 167, 164511
K. M. Duncan, A. Casey, C. A. Gobrogge, R. C. Trousdale, S. M. Piontek, M. J. Cook, W. H. Steel, R. A. Walker "Coumarin Partitioning in Model Biological Membranes: Limitations of log P as a Predictor" J. Phys. Chem. B 2020, 124, 8299−8308 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c06109.
G. E. Purnell, M. T. McNally and R. A. Walker “Isomerization at Aqueous-Silica Interfaces and the Role of Solute Structure” in revision with Chem. Phys. Lett. April, 2020.
M. M. Welander, D. B. Drasbaek, M. L. Traulsen, B. R. Sudireddy, P. Holtappels, and R. A. Walker “What Does Carbon Tolerant Really Mean? Operando Vibrational Studies of Carbon Accumulation on Novel Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes Prepared by Infiltration” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. accepted (2020). DOI: 10.1039/C0CP00195c.
G. E. Purnell, M. T. McNally, P. R. Callis and R. A. Walker “Buried liquid interfaces as a form of chemistry in confinement: the case for 4‑dimethylaminobyzonitrile (DMABN) at the silica-aqueous interface” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142 (5) 2375-2385 (2020). DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b11662.
K. A. Link, G. N. Spurzem, A. Tuladhar, Z. Chase, Z. Wang, H. F. Wang, R. A. Walker “Cooperative Adsorption of Trehalose to DPPC Monolayers at the Water-Air Interface Studied with Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation” J. Phys. Chem. B123 (42) 8931-8938 (2019).
E. D. Pomeroy, W. A. Maza, D. A. Steinhurst, J. C. Owrutsky and R. A. Walker “Assessing Sulfur-Induced Degradation Mechanisms in SOFCs with Chronocoulometry and Operando Optical Imaging” Electrochemical Society Transactions91 (1) 1815-1825 (2019).
W. A. Maza, S. D. Tsoi, D. A. Steinhurst, B. C. Eigenbrodt, R. A. Walker, and J. C. Owrutsky “Operando studies of carbon removal and partial oxidation in solid oxide fuel cells” Electrochemical Society Transactions91 (1) 629-640 (2019).
K. A. Link, G. N. Spurzem, A. Tuladhar, Z. Chase, Z. Wang, H. F. Wang, R. A. Walker “Organic Enrichment at Aqueous Interfaces: Cooperative Adsorption of Glucuronic Acid to DPPC Monolayers Studied with Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation” J. Phys. Chem A123 (26) 5621-5632 (2019).
M. M. Welander, M. S. Zachariasen, S. W. Sofie and R. A. Walker “Mitigating Carbon Formation with Al2TiO5 Enhanced Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes” J. Phys. Chem. C123 (18) 11406-11413 (2019).
G. E. Purnell and R. A. Walker “Surface solvation and hindered isomerization at the water/silica interface explored with second harmonic generation” J. Chem. Phys. (invited article) 150 (19) Art. No: 194701 (2019).
D. B. Drasbaek, M. L. Traulsen, R. A. Walker, and P. Holtappels “Operando Raman spectroscopy as a tool to investigate coking behavior of SOFC anode materials” Fuel Cells19(4) 484-493 (2019). DOI: 10.1002/fuce.201800193.
G. U. Bode, M. D. Mcintyre, D. M. Neuberger, R. A. Walker, B. P. Thorstensen, and B. C. Eigenbrodt “Electrochemical and Operando Spectroscopic Studies of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-d Electrodes in SOFCs Operating with Direct Alcohol Fuels” ChemElectroChem5 (21) 3162-3168 (2018).
M. M. Welander, M. S. Zachariasen, S. W. Sofie, and R. A. Walker “Enhancing Ni-YSZ Anode Resilience to Environmental Redox Stress with Secondary Phases” ACS Advanced Energy Materials 1 (11) 6295-6302 (2018).
G. E. Purnell and R. A. Walker “Hindered Isomerization at the Silica/Aqueous Interface: Surface Polarity or Restricted Solvation” Langmuir34 (34) 9946-9949 (2018).
C. D. Hunt, M. S. Zachariasen, D. R. Driscoll, S. W. Sofie, R. A. Walker “Degradation rate quantification of solid oxide fuel cell performance with and without Al2TiO5 addition” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy43 (32) 15531-15536 (2018).
K. A. Link, C. Y. Hsieh, A. Tuladhar, Z. Chase, Z. Wang, H. F. Wang and R. A. Walker, “Vibrational Studies of Saccharide-Induced Lipid Film Reorganization at Aqueous/Air Interfaces” Chemical Physics (2018). (invited for Ted Heilweil Special Issue) 512 104-110 (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2018.02.011.
Welander, M. M.; Zachariasen, M. S.; Hunt, C. D.; Sofie, S. W.; Walker, R. A. Operando Studies of Redox Resilience in ALT Enhanced NiO-YSZ SOFC Anodes. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2018, 165 (3), F152–F157.
C. A. Gobrogge1, V. A. Kong2 and R. A. Walker “Temperature Dependent Partitioning of C152 in Binary Phosphatidylcholine Membranes and Mixed Phosphatidylcholine/Phosphatidylethanolamine Membranes” submitted to J. Phys. Chem. A (invited for Veronica Vaida Festchrift)
C. A. Gobrogge1 and R. A. Walker “Quantifying Solute Partitioning in Phosphatidylcholine Membranes” submitted to Analytical Chemistry.
J. D. Kirtley, S. Tsoi, S. N. Qadri, D. A. Steinhurst, R. A. Walker and J. C. Owrutsky “In Situ Optical Investigations of Contaminants in operating Solid Oxide Fuel Cells” Electrochem. Soc. press (2017).
K. W. Reeping1, J. M. Bohn2, and R. A. Walker “Chlorine-induced degradation in SOFCs operating with biogas” Sustainable Energy and Fuels, in press (2017).
K. W. Reeping1, J. D. Kirtley, J. M. Bohn2, D. A. Steinhurst, J. C. Owrutsky, and R. A. Walker “Chlorine-induced Degradation in SOFCs Identified by Operando Optical Methods” J. Phys. Chem. C121 (5) 2588-2596 (2017).
C. A. Gobrogge1, H. S. Blanchard2, and R. A. Walker “Temperature Dependent Partitioning of Coumarin 152 in Phosphatidylcholine Lipid Bilayers” J. Phys. Chem. B, 121 (16) 4061-4070 (2017).
D. R. Driscoll, M. D. McIntyre1, M. M. Welander1, S. W. Sofie and R. A. Walker, “Enhancement of High Temperature Metallic Catalysts: Aluminum Titanate in the Nickel-Zirconia System”Applied Catalysis A527 36-44 (2016).
Bruce J. Berne, John T. Fourkas, Robert A. Walker and John D. Weeks, “Nitriles at Silica Interfaces Resemble Supported Lipid Bilayers” Accounts of Chemical Research 49 (9) 1605-1613 (2016).
M. L. Traulsen, M. D. McIntyre1, K. Norrman, S. Sanna, M. Mogensen, and R. A. Walker “Reversible Decomposition of Secondary Phases in BaO Infiltrated LSM Electrodes – Polarization Effects” Advanced Materials-Interfaces3 (24) Art. No. 1600750 (2016).
R. E. Latterman1, S. Birrell, P. A. Sullivan, and R. A. Walker “Improved pulsed laser operation with engineered nanomaterials” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 8 (30) 19724-19731 (2016).
S. M. Burrows, E. A. Gobrogge1, L. Fu, K. A. Link1, S. M. Elliott, H. F. Wang, and R. A. Walker “OCEANFILMS-2: Representing co-adsorption of saccharides in marine films improves agreement of modelled and observed marine aerosol chemistry” Geophys. Res. Lett.143 (15) 8306-8313 (2016).
C. A. Gobrogge1, V. A. Kong2 and R. A. Walker, “Unusual Temperature Dependent Solvation and Partitioning in Phospholipid Membranes” J. Phys. Chem. B 120 (8) 1805-1812 (2016).
J. Karnes, E. A. Gobrogge1, R. A. Walker and I. Benjamin “Unusual structure and dynamics at silica/methanol and and silica/ethanol interfaces – A molecular dynamics and nonlinear optical study” J. Phys. Chem. B.120 (8) 1569-1578 (2016).
K. W. Reeping1 and R. A. Walker “In operando vibrational Raman studies of chlorine contamination in solid oxide fuel cells” J. Electrochem. Soc.162 (12) F1310-F1315 (2015).
M. D. McIntyre1, D. M. Neuberger1, and R. A. Walker, “In Situ Optical Studies of Carbon Accumulation with Different Molecular Weight Alkanes on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Ni Anodes” Electrochemical Society Transactions, 66 (32) 11-19 (2015).
J. D. Kirtley1, M. B. Pomfret, D. A. Steinhurst, J. C. Owrutsky, and R. A Walker “In operando optical studies of SOFCs operating with butanol” Electrochemical Society Transactions (SOFC XIV)68 (1) 1091-1102(2015).
B. L. Woods1, J. K. George2, A. M. Sherman2, P. R. Callis, and R. A. Walker, “Optical studies of adsorption and aggregation at silica methanol interfaces: the role of solute structure” J. Phys. Chem. C119 (25) 14230-14238 (2015).
M. D. McIntyre1, M. L. Traulsen, K. Norrman, S. Sanna, and R. A. Walker, “Polarization induced changes in LSM thin film electrode composition observed by in operando Raman spectroscopy and TOF-SIMS” Electrochemical Society Transactions, 66 (2) 47-59 (2015).
Melissa D. McIntyre1, John, D. Kirtley1, Anand Singh, S. Islam, J. M. Hill, and R. A. Walker, “Comparing in situ carbon tolerances of Sn-infiltrated and BaO-infiltrated Ni-YSZ cermet anodes in solid oxide fuel cells exposed to methane” J. Phys. Chem. C. 119 (14) 7637-7647 (2015).
J. D. Kirtley1, M. B. Pomfret, D. A. Steinhurst, J. C. Owrutsky, and R. A. Walker, “Towards a working mechanism of fuel oxidation in SOFCs: In operando optical studies of simulated biogas and methane” J. Phys. Chem. C 119 (23) 12781-12791 (2015).
K. A. Burbank1, R. A. Walker, and B. M. Peyton, “A molecular basis of metal toxicity by Uranium(VI) in bacterial dehydrogenase enzymes” J. Inorganic Biochem.149 59-67 (2015).
K. W. Reeping1, D. M. Halat2, J. D. Kirtley1, M. D. McIntyre1, and R. A. Walker, “In situ optical and electrochemical studies of SOFC carbon tolerance” Electrochemical Society Trans. (Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics 9), 61 57‑63 (2014)
J. Ennist, E. A. Gobrogge1, K. H. Schlick, R. A. Walker and M. J. Cloninger “Cyclodextrin-functionalized Chromatographic Materials Tailored for Reversible Adsorption” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6 18087-18097 (2014).
E. A. Gobrogge and R. A. Walker, "Binary Solvent Organization at Silica/Liquid Interfaces: Preferential Ordering in Acetonitrile-Methanol Mixtures" J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 2688-2693 (2014).
B. C. Eigenbrodt and R. A. Walker, “In situ Raman measurements of solid oxide fuel cell devices” Spectroscopy29 (12) 24-30 (2014).
M. D. McIntyre, J. R. Wambeke, and R. A. Walker, "In situ optical studies of SOFCS operating with dry and humidified methane: mechanisms of coke suppression" submitted to Fuel Cells
R. A. Walker, K. W. Reeping, M. D. McIntyre, D. M. Halat, and J. D. Kirtley, "Electrolyte Dependence on Ni/YSZ Anode Carbon Tolerance Using In Situ Raman Spectroscopy" Electrochemical Society Trans. 61 (1) 57-63 (2014).
J. D. Kirtley, D. A. Steinhurst, J. C. Owrutsky, M. B. Pomfret, and R. A. Walker, "In situ optical studies of methane and biogas oxidation on high temperature solid oxide fuel cell anodes" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 (1) 227-236 (2014).
Roy1, S. Liu, A. R.Siler, B. L. Woods, J. T. Fourkas, J. D. Weeks and R. A. Walker, "Nonpolar adsorption at the silica methanol interface: Surface mediated polarity and solvent density across a strongly associating solid/liquid boundary" J. Phys. Chem. C. 117(29) 6224-6233 (2013).
J. D. Kirtley, T. P Oswell, A. Singh, D. M. Halat, J. M. Hill and R. A. Walker, "High temperature carbon removal from SOFC Ni cermet anodes with H2O, CO2 and O2: In situ Vibrational Studies" J. Phys. Chem. 117 (49) 25908-25916 (2013).
M. D. McIntyre, D. M. Halat, K. L. Reeping, J. D. Kirtley1 and R. A. Walker, "In situ Spectroscopic Studies of Carbon Formation in SOFCs Operating with Syn gas" Electrochemical Society Trans.. 57(1) 1267-1275 (2013).
J. D. Kirtley, M. D. McIntyre, D. M. Halat, and R. A. Walker, "Insights into SOFC Ni/YSZ anode degradation using in situspectro-chronopotentiometry with solid oxide fuel cell materials"Electrochemical Society Trans. 50 (44) 3-15 (2013).
E. A. Gobrogge, B. L. Woods, and R. A. Walker, "Liquid Organization and Solvation Properties at Polar Solid/Liquid Interfaces" Faraday Discussions. 167 (1) 309-327 (2013).
B. L. Woods and R. A. Walker, "pH Effects on Molecular Adsorption and Solvation at Silica/Aqueous Interfaces" J. Phys. Chem. A. 1176224-6233 (2013).
M. B. Pomfret, R. A. Walker, and J. C. Owrutsky, "High Temperature Chemistry in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: In situ Optical Studies" J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3 3053-3064 (2012).
J. D. Kirtley, D. M. Halat, M. D. McIntyre1, B. C. Eigenbrodt1 and R. A. Walker, "High Temperature “Spectro-chrono-potentiometry”: Quantitative Correlations between in Situ Raman Spectroscopy and Electrochemical Performance in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells" Analytical Chemistry. 84 9745-9753 (2012).
F. Ding, C. A. Rivera, Q. Zhong, K. Manfred, X. X. He, M. R. Brindza1, R. A. Walker, J. T. Fourkas, "Structure and dynamics of trimethylacetonitrile at silica/vapor, silica/liquid, and liquid vapor interfaces" J. Phys. Chem. C. 116 7000-7009 (2012).
F. Ding, Q. Zhong, K. Manfred, X. X. He, J. S. Bender, M. R. Brindza, R. A. Walker, and J. T. Fourkas, "Structure and dynamics of trimethylacetonitrile at silaca/vapor, silica/liquid, and liquid vapor interfaces" J. Phys. Chem. C. 116 4019-4025 (2012).
D. Roy, S. Piontek and R. A. Walker "Surface induced changes in coumarin solvation and photochemistry at polar solid/liquid interfaces" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 14758-14766 (2011).
A. R. Siler and R. A. Walker, "The effects of solvent structure on interfacial polarity across strongly associating silica/alcohol interfaces" J. Phys. Chem. C, 115 9637-9643 (2011).
B. C. Eigenbrodt, J. D. Kirtley, and R. A. Walker, "In situ optical studies of solid oxide fuel cells operating with dry and wet oxygenated fuels" Electrochemistry Society Transactions (SOFC XII), 35 (1) 2789 - 2798 (2011).
B. C. Eigenbrodt and R. A. Walker, "High Temperature Raman Mapping of Surface Electrolyte Oxide Concentration in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells" Analytical Methods, accepted (2011).
J. D. Kirtley, B. C. Eigenbrodt and R. A. Walker, "In situ optical studies of oxidation kinetics of Ni/YSZ cermet anodes"Electrochemistry Society Transactions (NEMCA 8), 33 (40) 25 – 34 (2011).
B. C. Eigenbrodt, M. B. Pomfret, D. A. Steinhurst, J. C. Owrutsky and R. A. Walker "Direct, in situ optical studies of solid oxide fuel cells operating with methanol and methane" J. Phys. Chem. C.115 2895-2903 (2011).
F. Ding, Z. Hu, Q. Zhong, K. Manfred, R. R. Gattass, M. R. Brindza, J. T. Fourkas, R. A. Walker and J. D. Weeks "Interfacial Organization of Acetonitrile: Experiment and Theory" J. Phys. Chem. C 114 17651-17659 (2010).
M. B. Pomfret, J. C. Owrutsky, and R. A. Walker "In situ Optical Studies of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells" Ann. Rev. Anal. Chem., 3 151-174 (2010).
M. R. Brindza, F. Ding, J. T. Fourkas and R. A. Walker "n-Alkane Adsorption to Polar Solid Surfaces" J Chem. Phys. 132 114701 (2010).
P. Horng, M. R. Brindza, R. A. Walker and J. T. Fourkas "Behavior of Organic Liquids at Bare and Modified Silica Interfaces" J. Phys. Chem. C 114 394-402 (2010).
F. Ding, Q. Zhong, M. R. Brindza, J. T. Fourkas, and R. A. Walker "Ti :sapphire, broadband vibrational sum-frequency generation spectrometer with a counter-propagating geometry" Optics Express, 17 14665-14675 (2009).
A. R. Siler, M. R. Brindza, and R. A. Walker "Hydrogen bonding molecular ruler surfactants as probes of specific solvation at liquid/liquid interfaces" Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 3951063-1069 (2009). (Invited article)
M. R. Brindza and R. A. Walker "Evaluating Solvation Mechanisms at Polar Solid Surfaces with Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 6207-6214 (2009).
W. H. Steel, J. B. Foresman, Y. Y. Lau, D. K. Burden, and R. A. Walker, "Solvation of Nitrophenol Isomers: Consequences for Solute Electronic Structure and Water/Alkane Partitioning" J. Phys. Chem. B, 113 759-766 (2009).
M. B. Pomfret, B. C. Eigenbrodt, and R. A. Walker, "Interfacial Resistivity of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia in Operating Solid Oxide Fuel Cells" Electrochemical Society Transactions, 11 (27) 111-120 (2008).
M. B. Pomfret, J. C. Owrutsky, and R. A. Walker "A Mechanistic Understanding of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Chemistry Through In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy" Electrochemical Society Transactions, 11(27) 99-109 (2008).
S. Z. Can, C. F. Chang and R. A. Walker "Spontaneous formation of DPPC monolayers at aqueous/vapor interfaces and the impact of charged surfactants" Biochmica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1778 2368-2377 (2008).
M. B. Pomfret, J. Marda, G. S. Jackson, B. W. Eichhorn, A.M. Dean and R. A. Walker "Hydrocarbon fuels in solid oxide fuel cells: In-situ Raman studies of graphite formation and oxidation" J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 5232-5240 (2008).
J. T. Fourkas, R. A. Walker, E. Gershgoren, and S. Z. Can "Effects of Reorientation in Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy" J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 8902-8915 (2007). ( invited article for Kenneth Eisenthal Festschrift)
M. B. Pomfret, J. C. Owrutsky, and R. A. Walker "In-situ Studies of Fuel Oxidation in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells" Analytical Chemistry 792367-2372 (2007) (Featured in Nature (highlights) 446 (2007) p. 4; featured on cover of Analytical Chemistry, 78 (6) (2007))
S. Z. Can, D. D. Mago, O. Esenturk and R. A. Walker "Balancing Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Forces at the Water/Vapor Interface: Surface Structure of Soluble Alcohol Monolayers" J. Phys. Chem C111, 8739-8748 (2007). ( invited article for Kenneth Eisenthal Festschrift).
W. M. Heiserman, S. Z. Can, R. A. Walker, T. H. Begley, and W. X. Limm, "Interfacial behavior of common food contact polymer additives" J. Colloid and Interface Science, 311 587-594 (2007).
M. B. Pomfret, J. C. Owrutsky, and R. A. Walker, "High Temperature Raman Spectroscopy of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Materials and Processes" J. Phys. Chem. B 110 17305-17308 (2006). (Featured in Photonics Spectra, November, 2006).
O. Esenturk and R. A. Walker, "Surface Vibrational Structure at Alkane Liquid/Vapor Interfaces" J. Chem. Phys. 125 Art. No. 174701 (2006).
S. Z. Can, D. D. Mago, and R. A. Walker, "Structure and Organization of Hexadecanol Isomers Adsorbed to the Air/Water Interface" Langmuir 22 8043-8049 (2006).
M. B. Pomfret, A. M. Sukeshini, O. Demircan and R. A. Walker "Fuel Oxidation Efficiencies and Exhaust Composition in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells" Environ. Sci. Technol . 40 5574-5579 (2006).
T. H. Begley, K. White, P. Honigfort, M. L. Twaroski, R. Neches, and R. A. Walker, "Perfluorochemicals: Potential sources of and migration from food packaging" Food Additives and Contaminants22 1023-1031 (2005).
C. L. Beildeck, Milton J. Liu, Michael R. Brindza, and R. A. Walker, "Solvation of p‑nitrophenol at a water/ alkane interface: The roles of ionic strength and salt identity" J. Phys. Chem. B. 109 14604-14610 (2005).
A. Mary Sukeshini, Bahman Habibzadeh, Benjamin P. Becker, Michael B. Pomfret, Oktay Demircan, Robert A. Walker, Bryan W. Eichhorn, and Gregory S. Jackson, "CO and CH4 Electrochemical Oxidation on Ni Patterned Anodes" Proceedings of SOFC-IX Symposium Electrochemical Society, 1294-1302 (2005).
M. B. Pomfret, C. Stoltz, B. Varughese, and R. A. Walker, "Structural and Compositional Characterization of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ): Evidence of Surface Stabilized, Low Valence Metal Species" Analytical Chemistry 77, 1791-1795 (2005).
C. L. Beildeck, W. H. Steel, and R. A. Walker, "Surface Charge Effects on Solvation across Liquid/Liquid and Model Liquid/Liquid Interfaces" Faraday Discussions, 129 69‑80 (2005).
O. Esenturk and R. A. Walker, "Surface Structure at Hexadecane and Halo-hexadecane Liquid/Vapor Interfaces" J. Phys. Chem. B,108, 10631-10635 (2004).
W. H. Steel, C. L. Beildeck, and R. A. Walker, "Solvent Polarity across Strongly Associating Interfaces" J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 16107-16116 (2004).
W. H. Steel, Y. Y. Lau, C. L. Beildeck and R. A. Walker, "Solvent Polarity Across Weakly Associating Liquid/Liquid Interfaces" J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 13370-13378 (2004).
C. L. Beildeck, W. H. Steel, and R. A. Walker, "Cationic Molecular Rulers: Synthesis, Characterization and Intramolecular Complications" Langmuir, 19, 4933-4939 (2003).
O. Esenturk and R. A. Walker, " Indoline – A Versatile Probe of Specific and Non-specific Solvation Forces" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 5, 2020-2026 (2003).
W. H. Steel and R. A. Walker, "Measuring Liquid/Liquid Interfacial Width with Molecular Rulers," Nature, 424, 296-299 (2003). (Featured in Chemical and Engineering News “News of the Week” 21 July, 2003, p. 4)
W. H. Steel and R. A. Walker, "Solvent Polarity Across an Aqueous/Alkane Interface: The Effect of Solute Identity" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 1132-1133 (2003).
X. Zhang, W. H. Steel, and R. A. Walker, "Probing Solvent Polarity Across Strongly Associating Solid/Liquid Interfacces Using Molecular Rulers" J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 3829-3836 (2003).
X. Zhang, M. M. Cunningham, and R. A. Walker, "Solvent Polarity at Polar Solid Surfaces – The Role of Solvent Structure," J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 3183-3195 (2003).
W. H. Steel, R. Nolan, F. Damkaci, and R. A. Walker, "Molecular Rulers: New Families of Molecules for Measuring Interfacial Widths, " J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 4824-4831 (2002).
X. Zhang, O. Esenturk, and R. A. Walker, "Reduced Polarity in Protic Solvents Near Hydrophobic Solid Surfaces," J. Am. Chem. Soc.,123, 10768-10769 (2001).
X. Zhang and R. A. Walker, "Discrete Partitioning of Solvent Permittivity at Liquid - Solid Interfaces," Langmuir, 17, 4486-4489 (2001).
1Graduate Student in Walker Group
2Undergraduate Student in Walker Group